1. Research studies into ‘Customary Practices, Women and Human Rights under Nigerian Laws’, ‘The Predisposing Factors to Divorce in Hausa Societies’, and ‘Administrative and Procedural Constraints to the Development of Women in Private and Public Employment’. The findings though unpublished have been respectively used to design intervention projects. (2001 – 2002 Supported by WRAPA)
  2. A Documentary film on Harmful Widowhood Practices which we have used as an advocacy and training tool (2002- 2003 Supported by CEDPA)
  3. An on hands research on ‘Affirmative Action in the workplace’, a project from which we developed a Confidence 
  4. Building Manual for women in employment and those seeking it. (2003 – 2004 Supported by FMWA and UNFPA)
  5. Interactive research on the subject of the power of Ij’bar (Shari’a provision empowering a father to give his daughter in her first marriage), its statutory position, application, validity, rate of abuse and consequences in Sokoto and Zamfara states. (2004 Supported by Georgetown University Law Clinic)
  6. Documentation and Intervention Strategies of Islamic Family Law and Practices in North Western Nigeria (2006 – 2009 Supported by MacArthur Foundation). 
  7. see publication for more 



  • Increased Women’s Political Participation (2003 – 2008): The project involves political leadership capacity building and gender awareness sessions; building of sustainable international networks and advocacy activities aimed at mobilizing and sustaining agitation for women’s increased political participation
  • Islamic Family Law: (This project seeks to bring to fore the rights of women under the Islamic law in family life through sensitization and increased awareness through the Imams. It is currently in Seven (7); Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Kaduna,Jigawa, Sokoto, and Zamfara, of twelve states and there has been the production of the Kuthbah; a sermon on how women should be treated pre, during marriage and in divorce.

  • Haki Mkononi: (2015-2017). A legal empowerment programme focused on working at a regional level with the African Union, its organs, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and women’s rights organizations in 6 priority countries. It is aimed at ensuring that continental norms and standards translate to concrete gains for women and girls at the national levels through the domestication of the African Women’s Protocol and or passage of integral laws, their implementation and enforcement. The project is managed by Oxfam and the 44 member; Solidarity for African Women’s Rights Coalition (SOAWR) which has been the advocacy platform for ratification and implementation of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (The African Women’s Protocol). 

  • Promoting Safety and Security for the Girl-Child in the Northeast (PSSGE 2015):  The project seeks to raise the consciousness of out of school girls, communities, especially parents in IDP Camps, on the importance of education, and the need to keep their dreams alive despite the current spate of insurgency in the country. It is funded by MacArthur Foundation with Adopt-a-Camp, and CITAD as its implementing partners. 


  • With support from TrustAfrica (T.A), WRAPA has conducted a one year (September 2017-August 2018) scoping project aimed at collecting and collating data and documentation to provide a more comprehensive review of the nature and prevalence of SGBV incidents within the context of the insurgency in Borno State. The project maps existing interventions and their effectiveness in providing documented evidence derived directly from engagements with survivors in six (6) camps and two (2) host communities using discrete channels and individual dialogue formats. WRAPA has also developed program content towards psychosocial support for SGBV survivors.

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The organisation seeks to advance and protect the rights of women as provided by national laws and policies, regional and international treaties

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