• Violence Against Women Prohibition Bill

WRAPA has been a leading voice in the advocacy and campaign against Violence Against Women (VAW) in all its ramifications and the repeal of all discriminatory laws in our statutes and social fabric. WRAPA hosts the Legislative Advocacy Coalition on Violence against Women, (LACVAW); a Coalition that has done considerable work around creating and sustaining respect for the bodily integrity of women and girls in Nigeria through sensitization, peer education training, advocacy and legislative activities. In 2003, LACVAW engaged in Parliamentary advocacy for the enactment of a National Bill on Violence Against Women. In May 2015, the bill was passed into law as Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act

  • Codification of Islamic Family Law

Between 2001 – 2004 and in collaboration with the Centre for Islamic Legal Studies Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, and the support of Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington, WRAPA executed a pilot scale work on the codification of Islamic Personal Law in two of the twelve Shari’a implementing states; Kano. The initiative was informed by the situation of women, their knowledge of and competence to access and enjoy the rights granted to them under Shari’a. Codifying Islamic personal law will bring it into focus by defining the laws, rights, duties and obligations of parties.

  • African Union Protocol on the Rights of Women

WRAPA is a member of a regional Coalition, Solidarity for African Women’s Rights SOAWR, which has been in the forefront of the advocacy and campaign activities around the articulation, adoption, ratification and domestication of the African Union (AU) Protocol to the African Charter on women’s rights. Between 2003 to date WRAPA has engaged government and relevant stakeholders in activities aimed at popularizing the Protocol through sensitization and advocacy directed at government and its agencies as well as institutions of religion and tradition. The outcome of these activities saw Nigeria’s ratification of the Protocol in October 2004. 

  1. Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

WRAPA has been actively engaged in the process towards the domestication of CEDAW in Nigeria through advocacy and sensitization. In the last republic, WRAPA was at the forefront of getting the CEDAW Bill read on the floor of both chambers of the National Assembly. Relevant stakeholders in this new republic have been engaged and activities are on to see to the domestication of CEDAW.

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The organisation seeks to advance and protect the rights of women as provided by national laws and policies, regional and international treaties

No 34 Ekikunam Street Beside NUJ Secretariat, Utako-Abuja, Nigeria

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